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The truth is: helmets save lives. If you fall, your helmet is going to take the impact, instead of your head. Wearing a sport helmet while you are out skiing, snowboarding, skating, biking and climbing isn't a good-to-have option, it is a necessity and it is for your own protection.
How to choose the best helmet? Rule number one is to choose one that meets your sport needs. For example, if you are into rock climbing, you may want a climbing helmet that has a solid hard shell with a suspension interior. If you are into snowboarding, you may consider a hard shell, open face, and one with good ventilation.
Multi-Sport Helmets
If you enjoy road biking in the summer and snowboarding in the winter, and want a multi-sport helmet that fits both sports and seasons, we got a great news for you! Many manufacturers including Nutcase and Bern have created all season and multi-sport helmets that also carry Multi Sport Safety Standards. For example Nutcase helmet's street collection can be used for skateboarding and biking. Bern takes it one step further with removable liners so you can take your snow helmet like the Bern Macon from the slopes to the street and still have all the required safety certifications. Now instead of four or more separate helmets, you may only need one or two, and the more mainstream that helmets become, the more versatile they will continue to grow!