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COUPON CODES. If we are currently running a promotion, a coupon banner may be visible along the right side of your screen. Click the "Show" button to display a larger banner with the specific coupon code and expiration date for the current promotion. The specific coupon code must be entered during checkout to receive the promotion. Orders placed over the phone or for items or brands restricted from the promotion may not qualify.
MINIMUM ORDER AMOUNT DOES NOT INCLUDE SHIPPING. Coupons are applied to total merchandise amount - not including shipping charges. If your total merchandise amount does not reach the minimum order amount, your order does not yet qualify for the discount. Add another piece of gear to your order in order to get the discount! LIMIT ONE COUPON PER ORDER. Sorry - multiple coupons can not be combined on a single order. We're already giving you a discount.
LIMIT ONE COUPON USE PER CUSTOMER. Sorry - entering in three orders and putting a coupon code on each one doesn't work either. Our shopping cart won't catch this, but we review all orders with coupons and we will. We will remove the coupon from additional orders.
NO ADJUSTMENTS TO PRIOR PURCHASES. You need to redeem your coupon at the time you place your order. We will not retroactively apply a coupon to past orders.
RESTRICTED BRANDS. Some brands we carry may not allow coupons or discounts to be applied to their items. TERMS OF USE. Use of a coupon code is acceptance of its terms. Any coupon code may be canceled or modified at any time.. Void where prohibited.
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