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All Sport Helmet's News Blog

Come back again next week and check us out!
2009-09-18 14:19:08 -0700

We are excited!

We will be launching our hot new website by the end of next week. We have listened to our customer’s feedback and thanks to you, we are growing fast!!!

Give us a shout if you are interested in writing an article or heading up a forum discussion.

We are also getting geared up for the winter season, your gonna love it!

OUCH! I could have prevented that! Where's my helmet?
2009-09-07 15:51:53 -0700

A crash, regardless of the sport often times results in an impact to the head. Without helmet protection, you are placed a higher risk of head injury.

A helmet should be worn during a sport or activity where a fall, crash or blow to the head is a possibility. While the implications are obvious, even experienced climbers have been knocked unconscious by rockslides.

We understand helmets can prevent or minimize direct injuries to the skull. Direct head injuries occur as a result of linear acceleration of the skull by impact with another object, and typically lead to cuts, lacerations and concussion. Direct injuries, though sometimes painful, usually have minimal long-term effect.

Always wear a helmet specific sport for best protection.

Thank you!
2009-08-27 21:45:57 -0700

We want to thank you for visiting our site and thank you for your Allsporthelmets.com referrals! We love what we do and hope you are finding the helmet you need. Check out our sizing page to ensure a great fit. Need help? Give us a call or send an email, we are happy to assist with finding the right helmet for you!

Why wear a helmet? A Helmet is a necessity not an accessory.
2009-07-23 22:47:51 -0700

Why wear a helmet?

Why do some people feel they do not need to wear a helmet?

Excuses are not a justification for ignoring safety. Helmets will not prevent all injuries, they will protect the one part of your body that is almost impossible to fix, your brain.

Unfortunately helmets are often a disregarded piece of safety equipment. A large majority of sports enthusiasts perceive that they are not at risk of head injury.

Injuries do occur and often times with experienced athletes who thought it would never happen to them.

There are a variety of excuses for not wearing a helmet such as vanity, peer pressure, feeling invincible uncomfortable helmet and a host of other excuses.

Think about this, shoes are worn as a protective piece of equipment, wouldn’t you want to protect your brain bucket as well?

Helmets are effective in reducing the likelihood of head injuries, as well as their severity. Many deaths and severe injuries result from injuries to the head when people are not wearing a helmet.

What is a helmet for? A helmet primarily protects the skull against impact forces and/or falling debris.

What are you waiting for? Buy a helmet!

Hair and helmet sizing
2009-07-20 18:33:28 -0700

Under helmet sizing chart, we added information on hair and helmet sizing. Corrected text error on sizing page.

Updated color theme to blue, yellow has been added to scroll over.

GoPro Hero Camera
2009-07-14 00:09:59 -0700

Capture your adventure on video! Check out the GoPro Hero Camera.
It will capture your most extreme videos whether you are racing, touring, climbing or riding on land or sea!

It’s waterproof!

Features the industry’s widest 170º wide angle lens and 5 megapixel sensor.

Updated sizing Chart
2009-07-14 00:06:41 -0700

Sizing chart has been updated with the how to measure your head for a helmet.

All Sport Helmets
2008-12-27 04:16:11 -0800

Allsporthelmets.com sells only helmets and helmet related products. NO SALES TAX! We provide free ground shipping to all of our customers in the 48 contiguous United States from our warehouse located in Bend, Oregon.

5/10 Crazy wild! These new Mohawks are designed exclusively for Allsporthelmets.com. Attaches to any helmet!

This is the company blog.
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